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Bin Laden Supports Bush?

Bin Laden Supports Bush?
posted 10/31, by Little Richardjohn Add IM (viewed 36 times) Scope : National
Popularity : 2 (3 encourage, 1 discourage)
Relevance : 11

Who is Osama Bin Laden's preferred enemy, Bush or Kerry?
(60 votes, ended on 11/7/04)
Bush 63 %
Kerry 37 %

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It seems from the latest snatch-poll evidence that the Bin Laden video has helped the Bush campaign at a critical stage.

Bin Laden is a propaganda maestro and knew the effect his appearance would have. So why did he do it?

If he'd wanted to help the Kerry campaign, he had only to stay silent. By appearing, the bogeyman has emerged to give substance to the Bush campaign agenda. Almost on cue.. No, ignore that.

So did he want Bush to win? Why does that seem a strange question? And what are the implications? - Both for the dynamics of the war, and, if the questions are asked and answeresd soon enough, for the imminent re-election of Bin Laden's preferred enemy.

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Article: Bin Laden Supports Bush?

Latest Democrat Ploy....
posted 10/31, by Carmer (viewed : 23)
Popularity 9 (2 encourage, 0 discourage)

Bin Laden is not for anyone. He is for himself. Besides I bet a Democrat is responsible for this last Video. How do we know what he is actually saying? This just gives more ammunition to
MR. Kerry to attack the President.

I hope people see through this and do not vote Mr. Can't be trusted, does not know how to tell the truth, Kerry.

Then why worry?
posted 10/31, by Little Richardjohn Add IM (viewed : 19)
Popularity 5 (0 encourage, 0 discourage)

Are you saying that OBL has no preference between the stated security policies of Bush & Kerry?

If so, then it doesn't matter who you vote for on this issue as Al Qaida is equally afraid (or defiant of) both of them.

You say this is ammunition for Kerry. Then that must mean that OBL prefers Kerry as an opponent. Which means he does have a preference...

There doesn't seem to be any doubt about the authenticity of the video.
So failing some huge, mysterious media conspiracy, as yet unexplained and unverified, you can be sure that he is being translated accurately.

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Article: Bin Laden Supports Bush?

posted 11/01, by binkley (viewed : 21)
Popularity 7 (1 encourage, 0 discourage)

OBL could have sent a bomb but he sent a tape instead. He would have rather sent a bomb, but couldn't! That tells me George Bush has done his job in keeping us safe! OBL would have much rather interferred in our elections by sending a bomb and doing great destruction. He hates George Bush for keeping him from doing so!
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If then why?
posted 11/01, by Little Richardjohn Add IM (viewed : 15)
Popularity 4 (0 encourage, 1 discourage)

If he hates Bush, and Bush is doing such a great job, why did he release a tape which could only help Bush be returned to carry on the good work?

The last thing Kerry wanted was the spectre of Bin Laden threatening destruction.

And you misunderstand the nature of your enemy if you think that Osama Bin Laden is in some way controlling things from his mountain eyrie.
Al Qaida is not the Coca Cola Corporation, with a head office and ranks of descending vice-presidents and regional vice-presidents.

It is more like a living organism - and come to think of it, if Bush is so hot, why hasn't he tracked OBL down in three years?

Your biggest mistake is to believe that the answer to your problem is in greater and more rigid security measures.
You should ask yourself why these things are happening, rather than trust Bush to do your thinking for you.
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trust me.....
posted 11/01, by binkley (viewed : 17)
Popularity 6 (1 encourage, 0 discourage)

Bush doesn't think for me. I'm able to figure things out for myself. Today they are telling us that any state that votes for Bush will face terrorism. That tells me OBL wants us to vote for Kerry because he's weaker on terror and OBL can get back to his dirty work. He's not promoting Bush in his video. He thinks he can get the candidate of his choice into office by scaring those of us that support Bush........that's what the tape says. Sorry you're not able to figure that out but you've listened to so many flip flops I can see how you would be confused. We haven't had another terrorist attack on our land since 9/11 and OBL is itching to get back. We have been protected but I don't expect you to see that. You'd rather believe some one that changes his views as often as he changes his underwear.
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Figure This
posted 11/01, by Little Richardjohn Add IM (viewed : 14)
Popularity 5 (0 encourage, 0 discourage)

You mistake me for someone who gives a damn about Kerry.

Neither will be able to keep America safe while America is hated as much as it is throughout the world.

So the effect of telling you that 'Any state who votes for Bush will face terrorism' is to make you vote for Bush.

I think OSM understood the effect it would have on you. And you fell for it. Ask any Kerry supporter what he felt when he saw the video, if you don't believe me. And if you don't believe me, ask the WhiteHouse who, according to CNN, saw it as a 'gift'. I think they know.

What OBL doesn't want is a foreign policy which attacks the root causes of terrorism. If that happened both his political agenda and the religion it rides on would be redundant.

You are helping to perpetuate the war by supporting a leader who only has military answers to political questions.

It is the same as believing you can cure warts by cutting them off or chronic constipation with laxatives. It is a lapse of faith in the whole concept of cause and effect which underlies civilised society.
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Oh know.......
posted 11/01, by binkley (viewed : 15)
Popularity 6 (1 encourage, 0 discourage)

my mind was made up way before the OBL tape surfaced.....Doesn't make one bit of difference to me what that coward thinks!

War is sometimes necessary. I want a President that when he perceives a threat is willing to act, not sit around and wait and see what will happen. where would you and I be today if there were no wars fought before us? I'm grateful for the sacrifice of the brave men that fought in wars before me. I'm grateful for the sacrifice of the brave men and women today. They are fighting for a nobel cause. When you are dealing with a madman like Saddam, peace isn't going to work. We did try peace first, we gave him warnings and then we acted. That's the kind of President I want! No sir.....OBL has not influenced me one bit in this election. My mind was made up before the race even began. It was no contest........
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War Is Good?, posted 11/01 by Little Richardjohn Add IM; popularity 2; 4 responses

posted 11/01, by binkley (viewed : 15)
Popularity 5 (0 encourage, 0 discourage)

I don't want a world always at war but I want protection for our country. I don't want another attack like 9/11. I want my child to live in a free world where she has her freedoms intact. I don't like war any more than you but it is sometimes necessary. If we had not had wars before us we could very well be living with a ruler just like Saddam Hussain. I'm thankful for the wars that won our freedom and I'm thankful for the freedom we have in this nation. I want it to remain that way for every one that lives here. Freedom has never been free.....never will be.
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Why is it like this?
posted 11/01, by Little Richardjohn Add IM (viewed : 11)
Popularity 4 (0 encourage, 1 discourage)

If you want all that, you need to find out why America is hated by a huge section of the world.

Why do you think that is?
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posted 11/01, by binkley (viewed : 15)
Popularity 6 (1 encourage, 0 discourage)

of people like John Kerry that come back from war and protest while their own comrades are still there fighting. Because of the lies he told about his own comrades that were broadcast for all the world to see. Because of the news media and the bias they show. Nothing good is shown on the news and it's all there for the world to see. Because they hate what we stand for and the fact we are willing to sacrifice our life to keep our freedom intact. Because we don't let anyone bully us.....we are strong and willing to do anything it takes to ensure we have freedom. Because our nation was founded on Godly principles........and many, many, many more reasons.

War Is Good?
posted 11/01, by Little Richardjohn Add IM (viewed : 20)
Popularity 2 (0 encourage, 2 discourage)

‘where would you and I be today if there were no wars'

Well we wouldn't be fighting this one.
The first world war produced Hitler, Hitler's Holocaust produced Israel, Israel produced the Palestian injustice and that motivated AlQaida.

That's without the parallel wars for control of mineral and human resources.

War is now a permanent, necessary economic and political state. Without it capitalism will collapse. and so the killing and waste goes on. You want a world permanently at war? what sort of world is that? Don't you think after millions of years of evolution we have the sense to come up with a better answer?

Wars are not the glorious crusades of your imagination, but the squalid butchery of the innocent to protect the interests of the powerful.

The Civil War was surely proof of that. Without it, America would never have tested its new industrial military strength and defended its markets from outside competition from Europe. Slavery was merely the PR.

It's always about markets, not noble causes.

posted 11/01, by binkley (viewed : 19)
Popularity 5 (0 encourage, 0 discourage)

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